AWMonday Memes - Changing from Weekly to Monthly


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AW Monday Meme #9

The Blogiversary Meme

Go to your archives and find your first post.
What was the date of that post?
Tell us (or excerpt from it) what it was about.
If you remember why you decided to start a blog and want to share that, please post that as well.

You might want to collect some blogiversary dates and wish folks Happy Blogiversary when it comes around. Folks who use the technorati tag make it easier for us to find them :)

Here's the technorati tag:
<a href="" rel="tag">AWMondayMemes</a>
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AW Monday Meme #10

Dear jen.nifer offered up this one a while back (that Monday when I had to take a break 'cuz of work) and I said we'd make it an official Monday Meme after I posted the 'blogiversary meme'

So, enjoy jen.nifer's meme - and don't forget the tag:
<a href="" rel="tag">AWMondayMemes</a>

jen.nifer said:
Taken from here
(PS: I omitted two questions)

1) A favorite political track.
2) One of those tracks that make you dance on the dancefloor no matter what.
3) The song you’d use to tell someone you love them.
4) A song that has made you sit down and analyze its lyrics.
5) A song that you like, that a two year old would like as well.
6) A song that gives you an energy boost.
7) A song that you and your grandparents (would probably) like.
8) A song that you really liked when you were 14-16, and still really like now.
9) A sad song that would be in the soundtrack of the movie about your life.
10) A peppy song that would start the opening credits of the movie about your life.
11) A good song from a genre of music that no one would guess that you liked.
12) A song that you think should have been playing when you were born.
13) A favorite artist duo collaboration.
14) A favorite song that you completely disagree with (politically, morally, commonsenically, religiously etc.)
15) The song that you like despite the fact your IQ level drops several points every time you listen to it.
16) Your smooth song, for relaxing.
17) A song you would send to someone you hate or are mad at.
18) Your favorite song at this moment in time.


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AW Monday Meme #11

The Oscars Meme!

  1. Which award was the biggest surprise to you?
  2. Which award was exactly what you expected?
  3. Which nominee do you feel got the award for some reason other than being the best in their category? Explain.
  4. What scared you the most about Dolly Parton?
  5. On a scale of one to ten, rate Jon Stewart's hosting.
  6. Who would you like to see host next year's awards? Why?
  7. Did the film montages seem like a ridiculous self-congratulatory waste of time to you? Why or why not? (gee, my feelings aren't obvious here, are they?)
  8. Favorite gown?
  9. Express your opinion of whether or not writers of western novels who write award winning screenplays should get to wear jeans to the ceremony?
  10. Tom Hanks - what's with the long hair?
  11. Who's hotter, George Clooney or Heath Ledger?
  12. How come we love Aussie/Kiwi/Brit/Welsh/Irish/Scots actors so much?
  13. Reese - blonde or brunette?
Have fun! Use the tag!

<a href="" rel="tag">AWMondayMemes</a>
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Another Monday! AW Monday Meme #12

Just barely under the wire (it's 11:39 here in Calif.) is the Monday Meme.

This one was referred to me by another AW member (if you want credit 'you know who' please let me know and I'll share your username) who found it on Diana's Diversions

Here's how to play:
Take your favorite song lyrics and go to Babelfish.
Translate them to German. Then translate that to French. Then translate the French back to English.
Post the results on your blog and see who can guess the song.

You might want to see how that worked on Diana's Diversions and mention in comments that she's the AW Monday Meme for this week :)

Here's the tag so we can check Technorati to see who's done the meme:

<a href="" rel="tag">AWMondayMemes</a>
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The Rememberer
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To the Left of Insanity
My first time posting here, I've decided to start doing the meme. Mine is up on my blog, . What do I need to do other than putting the url at the bottom of my post?




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You can name some other folk to do the meme and check Technorati, tags, AWMondayMeme to find out who else did the meme and read their answers. Other than that, I hope it's just fun to do. Kind of a blogging prompt, if you will.


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Darnit! Monday's almost over and I don't have a meme and I'm tired...I guess I'll declare it 'open meme night' - and beg your forgiveness!


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AW Monday Meme #13

Tonite you get a choice of memes. One comes from an LJ blog I visited where the blogger had picked up the meme from Patrick Nielson Hayden's LJ - it goes: When you see this, post an anti-war song in your journal. Now, those of you new to meme'ing here's a bit of a meme primer:

1. Always credit where you got the meme. Post the link and name the originator or person who passed it to you. You can go back two links as well but you don't have to go further. Linkage is good for blogging.

2. Tag someone to do the meme next. Better yet, tag a few folk. Try to pick folk that visit often but if you don't, you need to comment on their blogs that you tagged them.

3. If you do the AW Monday Meme, please put the Technorati Tag in your post and go to Technorati and do a 'ping'. Don't know how that works?

Go to Technorati (that link takes you straight to the AWMonday Meme tag page) On the right side of the page is a little sidebar that says:

What’s this? A tag is like a subject or category. This page shows blog posts, photos, and links that have been tagged awmondaymemes. To contribute to this page, just post to your blog and include this code.

Click on "this code" (at the Technorati site - the link in the quote box just takes you to the tag page again) and a box will appear underneath that looks like this:

Copy that stuff in the box (it's HTML code that tells Technorati that it's a tag and how to categorize your blog by the tag)

Now - see the "More Tag Help" below the box? When you've added your code to your blog (and you'll have to add it in the HTML editor, not in Rich Text) go back to the AWMondayMeme's page and click on "More Tag Help"
which will take you to this page:

You'll have to scroll down a bit but when you find this:
If your blog software does not support automatic pinging, or if you haven't set it up yet, or if you're not sure, you can manually ping us here. You might also want to configure your blog software to ping us automatically so you don't have to do that every time.

Click on the "manually ping us here" link and put your blog's URL in the box provided and click "Ping!"

You're done! And when I go look at the AWMondayMemes tag page I'll see your blog listed and I'll go visit!

Now, as promised, you get a choice. Some folk might not want to do the anti-war song meme. That's ok by me. I was tempted not to do it, but I was a teenager in the last years of the Viet Nam War and there's one song that always comes to mind when I hear "anti-war song" so I posted it on my Live Journal account. My LJ is set to friends only for most posts - but that one's public.

The other meme is one I saw on another AW Blogger's site. I can't remember who - bad Dawno forgot to make a note of the blogger when she copied the meme to save for tonite. *sigh*

Edited to add: Give credit to our own Maestrowork! His blog is at so be sure to link there!

1. If someone is going to make a movie about you, which movie star/actress should play you?

2. What are your favorite movies and/or books?

3. Coffee or chocolate?

4. Hot tub or beaches?

5. Do you like to take naps? Or do you sleep only a few hours a day?

6. Do you sleep in the nude?

7. What do you consider is your best achievement so far?

Thanks for playing!
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AW Monday Meme #14

The Web Addict Meme

1. How long after you get up in the morning before you open a browser window?

2. What's your homepage set to?

3. How many sites do you have bookmarked?

4. Do you get links emailed to you from friends saying "You just have to check this one out" If so, what kinds of sites do they think you're interested in? Are they right?

5. What do you think you read more: sites, blogs or forum posts.

6. If you're new to blogging what's the most challenging thing for you about it. If you've been blogging for a while what one piece of advice would you give to new bloggers?

7. Live Journal, Blogger or other - and if other, is it another blogging service or do you have your own?

8. Other than AWer's blogs, what do you think is your most frequently visited site?

9. Do you use a site meter? Which one? Any particular reason why?

10. Do people you know in RL "get" blogging? If not, what's their reaction when (if?) they find out you have a blog?

That's it folks! Please remember to use the Technorati Tag:

<a href="" rel="tag">awmondaymemes</a>
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AW Monday Meme #15

Personal Archeology Meme

Time to dig into your past! Just use your best recollection – no need to go digging around in the attic or cellar for this stuff.

1. Do you have a picture of yourself as an infant, toddler or youngster in your own scrapbook, picture album or shoebox? If so, how old were you? What where you doing?

2. What is the oldest piece of clothing you have in your closet. What is it? Do you wear it or just keep it for sentimental purposes, or because you haven’t had time to give it away yet?

3. Do you have any souvenirs? If so, what is the oldest one, where is it from and how did you come to have it?

4. Do you have an appliance, utensil, dish, glass, platter, etc., or cooking implement in the kitchen that you got from a relative when you moved away from home? What is it and who gave it to you?

5. What’s the oldest thing in your medicine cabinet? (and maybe it’s time to toss out the expired stuff!)

6. Was the place you currently live in occupied prior to you? Did they leave anything behind? What? If not, have you ever heard any stories about folk who lived there before you did and would you share one?

7. Do you have any old IDs, business cards or other bits of old flotsam in your purse/wallet? What is the oldest thing there and why do you keep it?

8. Do you have your yearbooks? When was the last time you looked at them? What is the thing you like most about your favorite yearbook? What’s the thing you like least about your least favorite yearbook? (I don’t know if this is a ‘global’ question – so forgive me if you are from somewhere that getting a yearbook is not a tradition)

9. Do you have a(ny) old key(s)? Do you know what it/they’re for? Why did you keep it/them?

10. 100 years from now, what would you wish someone had as a memento of you?

As always it would be ever so nice if you would use the Technorati tag:

<a href="" rel="tag">awmondaymemes</a>

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AW Monday Meme #16

For folks in most of the US it is Tax Day. I hear that a number of northeastern residents are getting an extra day and people who suffered loss with Katrina are getting until August - but the rest of us, we had to have our taxes filed (and often, paid) by today.

Here's the Tax Meme!

Are you some one who
(a) starts working on your taxes the moment you get your W-2?
(b) puts it off a bit but actually does it before April rolls around?
(c) a last minute preparer
(d) heck, I pay someone to do it for me

Are you a
(a) traditional paper and pen, put it in an envelope filer
(b) turbo-tax (or the like) all the way!
(c) heck, I pay someone to do it for me - who knows what they do

If you could make only one change to the tax laws, disallowing total repeal of all taxes, what change would you want to see first?

If you get (or just imagine that you got) a refund - would you
(a) save it
(b) save it and immediately adjust your witholding so you get more money each month and Uncle Sam and you are even next year
(c) spend it on something you planned on getting with your refund
(d) rejoice in your good luck and spend it on something spontaneous and fun
(e) heck, I paid my refund to my tax preparer, this is just a 'reimbursement'

Have you ever waited in one of those midnight lines at the Post Office? If so, was there a party atmosphere or not - tell your tale!

That's today's Tax Meme - I'm sorry it's pretty US-centric for my global readership - next week we'll go back to something anyone can write about.

As usual - Technorati Tag:
<a href="" rel="tag">awmondaymemes</a>

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The late, the great XThe NavigatorX
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Feb 12, 2005
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Seattle, WA
Aight, this jacked. Gnome sain?

Here's the offending post. Here's the blog itself.

I put the proper meme tag in there. I checked it twice. I pinged manually. The text shows up in Technorati's normal search. But when I search tags, it's not there. The newest awmondaymemes that shows up was from last week.

My initial thought was that technorati just started indexing myspace blogs, so maybe it doesn't recognize their tags yet. But I fiddled around and saw plenty of myspace ones under tags. I'm doing something wrong. Do you know what it is?


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Feb 12, 2005
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someplace around here, anyone seen my keys?
As far as I can see you're doing everything (well, except for maybe having a MySpace at your age...) right. (and I am kidding about the MySpace)

I don't see my website either - and I posted the meme and tagged it and manually pinged Technorati as well. I think the problem is on Technorati's side. I'm going to ping it again.


'Twas but a dream of thee
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Boss Mare
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Technorati has had issues all week. I don't think it's y'all.


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Yes, there will be a Monday Meme - just later on tonite

Hi ya'll!

Yes it's Monday and I haven't gotten my meme up yet. Sorry, I spent the weekend working on several projects on the computer and in the home (I have a nifty new scanner/copier/printer/fax combo that I set up all by myself!). I have the germ of a Meme idea (you did know that I make most of these up myself, right? Yep there's no-one else to blame but me if it's totally lame)

I'll work on it and get it posted later - my apologies to those of you who have a special blogging tradition of doing the Monday Meme earlier than this - I'll really try to get them up in the mornings when I can. Keep watching this thread!


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AW Monday Meme #17 - A Hairy Meme

I’ve recently changed my hair color and of course that led me to compose a hair meme.

1. What length do you currently keep your hair?

2. Is that different from 5 years ago? 10? How about when you were a teen?

3. What color is it naturally?

4. If you color your hair do you like to go for natural or colorful (like pink or blue, etc.)

5. Ever done something really dumb with your hair?( I’m thinking back to the poodle perm I had once…)

6. What about the hair of a mate or date do you/would you find attractive?

7. Do you have a long standing relationship with a hairstylist or barber? If so, why? If not, why not?

8. What celebrity hair do you like best? Least?

9. What hair fad of the past do you think was the silliest?

10. If a hair genie gave you one hair wish, what would you wish for?

Yadda Yadda Technorati Tag
<a href="" rel="tag">awmondaymemes</a>

Yadda Yadda Technorati How To


Agent of Doom
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Hairy Meme

Mine's up. I'm looping through the Technorati link to check out the others. Heh. Can't wait to see some of them. Heh.

Bwahahahaha:ROFL: Please post pics if you have 'em. Some of them have to be a laugh riot.


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AW Monday Meme # 18

Happy May 1st!

This is a quick and happy meme - is May Day something you have celebrated in the past and/or do celebrate now?

What is May Day to you?
What May Day traditions do you have?
What is the most fun thing you've ever done on May Day?
Are you scratching your head and asking "What's May Day?"

That's all - I'm on business travel this week and slammed with last minute details so I apologize in advance if I'm slow to greet newbies or respond on threads. I'll be back home Saturday evening - meanwhile, Happy May Day!


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AW Monday Meme #19

I could make this as simple as it was in the post where I originally saw it - but what's the fun of that?? (of course if you like the simpler one, use it! - and credit the Better Living Thru Chemistry guy, too!)

There's a bit of audience participation involved - so it's important, folks, to go out there and COMMENT!!

Which reminds me - there's going to be a contest soon here in Blogging. Keep watching!

oh, the meme. Here's how you should post it:

"Everyone who comments in this blog will receive a letter of the alphabet from me. Then they choose 5 words that start with that letter - for whatever reason - and write a couple lines about why you chose that word.

Next, they are to go to their dictionary and write down the last full word (no abbreviations) printed for that letter and supply the definition (say just the 1st meaning listed to keep it brief).

What, don't have a paper dictionary?? Then take one of the 5 words you chose and look it up online and post something interesting about the definition of the word, as well. Maybe it's etymology is interesting or a lower level definintion. If you go to some online dictionaries you may also find out where that word is used in a famous or popular quotation, you could put that down.

So - how does this work? I go to Unique's blog and comment on the post with this meme and she gives me the letter P to write about.

I go back to my blog and write the 5 words as a post under the same instructions quoted above - I don't have a handy paper dictionary (the kids took them when they moved and I've yet to buy a replacement. All I have is my Compact Oxford English Dictionary) so I look up the words at my favorite online research site,

For my first "P" word I choose Periwinkle. I look it up on and in my sentences about that word I include some of what I read in the definitions.

Periwinkle is a beautiful little trumpet shaped flower, the Madagascar species is used in some cancer medications. It is also the name of a 'marine gastropod' with a pretty shell. Periwinkle ,the snail, has become well established on the Atlantic coast of North America and is edible.

The word is also used for a particular shade of lavender blue by Crayola Crayons. When I got my first box of 64 Crayola Crayons - and oh what an event that was! - I pulled each one out read its name and put it right back where I found it. When I came upon Perriwinkle that word immediately became my favorite color name ever - and one of my favorite colors.

That's how it's done.

If you find the above meme boring or not adventurous enough for you there's this one: List up to ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) different people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any ‘comment speculation’. You *know* that one will stir the pot...

Please use the Technorati Tag so we can find blogs doing the AWMM
<a href="" rel="tag">awmondaymemes</a>

If you need to learn about using that tag go to: Technorati How To