Operation MindF*&k: Autogynephilia (or andro), Crossdreaming, and Amina(us) Possession

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Diana Hignutt

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Let's do this. Let's have this talk. You may have noticed (those of you who notice such things) that I've been in a mental place where I've been reflecting on my transsexualism in my life and all that. I'm editing, rewriting, and publishing my transgender fantasy trilogy, and a short story collection full of those of my published tg stories. I haven't written anything on that theme in years, and being so deep back into has got me thinking about this stuff. As has my impeding divorce, and the prospects of being (a youngish) 50, single, and female. And now I notice myself having to explain or justify my actions on the subject of being trans, yet again. Me, of all people. I've always been that way, though. Even in my old fantasies I would accidentally become female, or through "no fault of my own". Denial, denial.

Let's start with this: I am a crossdreamer. I am an autogynephiliac. Not sure about anima-possessed, though. I am also trans. And I think I am those things because I am trans, and not the other way around.

So, definitions.

A Crossdreamer is someone who dreams about being the opposite sex, but wouldn't necessarily want to actually do so, but they may.

An Autogynephiliac (or Autoandrophiliac) is someone who has sexual fantasies based on themselves being the opposite sex.

Anima/Animus Possession is a Jungian idea that the anima or animus achieves domination over the personality.

These are occasionally presented as causative in transgenderism.

Here's an interesting blog on this:


The school of thought when I was transitioning was "Who cares why, just do what you have to." Even concepts like prenatal hormonal imbalance, can come off like an excuse...like the old "it's not my fault I'm a girl" themes of my young fantasies.

Do these concepts help or hinder our understanding ourselves? Do trans people who are still uncertain get dissuaded (because it is so much easier) to transition? Wait, don't all happy self-adjusted woman have Autogynephilia? Did my psyche get jumbled sometime before memory?

And, yes, I'm totally happy with all my decisions, except I wish I had made them in my teens (or younger) and not my mid thirties.

It's a fascinating discussion to be had. It's why Gender Identity is very different from Sexual Identity and why the T is always off by itself at the end of LGBT.

A lot of trans activists get positively pissed off at the mere mention of Autogynephilia. And, I had never really heard about Crossdreaming before today.

Your thoughts?


Allegedly Gullible
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Sep 27, 2012
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That's fascinating! Thinking about it, I'm definitely a crossdreamer; often when I'm not actively myself in a dream, I'll be male. Sometimes even when I am myself, which is confusing.

But despite the crossdreaming, I'm not trans, though I will admit to wishing the ability to swap genders from day-to-day. Sometimes, boobs just don't feel right for the occasion. But I think that's more genderfluidity than anything else. I never suffered dysphoria beyond that brought on by middle-school bullying; and I only ever felt totally unhappy in my body once, when I hadn't yet realized my asexuality and found myself wishing frantically that nobody find me attractive so I would just be left alone.

I think my gender identity might just not matter to me all that much. I'm me, whatever that means. :Cake:


Beastly Fido
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Oct 24, 2011
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Interesting. I didn't get from the article whether by crossdreaming they mean people who are always or usually the opposite sex or a different orientation in their dreams, or does it include people who just occasionally may have such a dream.

I ask because I'm a heterosexual cis gendered female, and I've occasionally had dreams where I'm male. One was quite sexy, and I guess I was a gay man in that dream.

I don't know why that would be, though in my case I've wondered if it's just a consequence of so many movies, TV shows, books and so on being written from a male pov? Also, maybe being a writer who sometimes writes opposite sex pov characters.

I've had rare dreams where I've been myself (a woman) and been in bed with a woman too, usually feeling a bit awkward, not quite knowing how to proceed. I don't think I'm bisexual or transgender in my waking life, however, though I'd be intrigued and want to see what it was like to be male temporarily (I've had fantasies of that sort--didn't know there was a word for it, but I shouldn't be surprised, I suppose), if such things were possible. All and all, though, I'm happy and comfortable with the body I was born with and the gender that was assigned me, though my expression of it is not full on traditional girlish, being a jeans, tennis shoes, and tee shirt kind of person overall.

[edit] So what I'm saying is that I just don't know what these dreams mean, but I don't think they make terribly useful arguments against someone's orientation and identity being real things. If you are happy in your decisions, then they're right for you, and no one should tell you otherwise.
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