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Fantasy Smut? Yes please!
Super Member
Dec 19, 2011
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NL, Canada
If I'm not on your RSS Feed, this is what you've missed.

I focus mainly on entertainment from a sex/kink positive feminist point of view. A lot of triggery stuff, since I spend a lot of time talking about sex and kinks in the media and/or from a personal point of view.

TW: Rape Fantasies - The reality of rape is so disgusting and vile to me that I get physically ill thinking about it too much.

TW: Pictures Of Crimes - There is a major discrepancy in sentencing when it comes to images and videos of child pornography and the crimes associated with actually violating a child.

A Case For Anonymity Online - Even though some people use and abuse it for ill, there are still so many of us that require that anonymity in order to feel comfortable online.

Leaving Unionized Work - I left a unionized position for a large, international corporation.

Normalizing And Desexualizing Kinks - People’s kinks are varied and diverse, and often trail into realms that they’re not interested in or comfortable with in real life. Porn, and other sexual outlets, allow us to explore these things with minimal impact on our day to day life.
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