*Help* Spanish dialect question. South American vs Mexican?


Jan 15, 2009
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Hola! I'm stumped on an important scene regarding 2 characters who have a conversation in Spanish. It's easier for me to write in "Mexican" Spanish because this was how I was taught. I'm not fluent, but I want to get this right. But for my Argentine character, I know her dialogue will be a little different. I hope this makes sense because I'm already confusing myself.

I guess what I'm trying to ask (for anyone who is from or familiar w/ South American Spanish) how common is the vosotros form in Argentina/South America? I know that ppl can still understand each another if the "tu" form is used. Like would someone from Argentina use the "tu" form when speaking to a Mexican/Central American? :Headbang: Any input would be fantastic. I've avoided venturing into the "Spain" Spanish realm for just this specific reason,( ie. the verb tenses are difficult.) Of course, the easiest thing to do would be to just make her from Mexico or somewhere else other than the "Spain cone" (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay etc.), but I know she's Argentine, not Central American. Help?
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Kansas! Again.
From my experiences with South American Spanish, you're likely to hear (in -some- regions) the use of vos instead of tu as well as the vosotros verb endings instead of the tu verb endings, but you'll still hear Uds and Uds endings where someone from Spain would use vosotros.

But let me PM you the contact information for someone who'd actually know.
