Raymond Feist

Chicago Expat

Super Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Kentucky, somehow.

I'm about to begin re-reading several fantasy and sci-fi books I read as a teenager. Raymond Feist's Magician trilogy was gonna be one of them. Now I see there are new editions out where they break up the original books into smaller books (no problem), but then there's some talk on the books that perhaps some editions are actually Feist's director's cut of the story.

Anybody here read the early and late versions of Magician? Is one preferable to the other? And do you have any other advice, stories, ephemera to offer regarding the author and his stories?

I remember really enjoying the first two books in the series (Magician and Silverthorne). I think I got them as part of the Columbia book club (was that what it was called?) back in the day. Cool cover on the Silverthorne, if I remember correctly.